In 1998, Jonathan Drew, a resident of Long Island, enlisted a group of cigar rollers to operate from a warehouse in the DUMBO district of Brooklyn. Together with his co-founder Marvin Samel, they found inspiration from Scott Acid Chester, a local artist whose artwork incorporated elements of urban culture, graffiti, and motorcycle art. This style proved to be the perfect marketing strategy for the Acid brand, and their Sub-Culture vibe resonated with a new generation of cigar enthusiasts. Today, Acid cigars are expertly handcrafted at Drew Estates Esteli factory in Nicaragua, using some of the worlds finest tobacco. Unlike other cigars that are flavored, Acid infuses their tobacco with a unique blend of more than 140 spices, herbs, and botanicals, making for a truly distinct and exceptional smoking experience. This intensive process has propelled Acid into cult status, with their cigars becoming an extraordinary addition to any cigar lovers collection. With a constantly expanding portfolio, Acid now offers seven distinct ways to enjoy their cigars. Each cigar is uniquely individual, and this is precisely why so many smokers are drawn to them, seeking that extra special something that sets Acid apart from the rest.

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