Dedicated aficionados of cigars may recall the year 2013 when the Quattro F55 held the esteemed position of being the second-best Cigar of the Year. Well, Rafael Nodal has returned to the limelight with the introduction of the Aging Room Quattro Nicaragua. Crafted under the skillful hands of AJ Fernandez in Esteli, Nicaragua, this cigar is a true delight for those who appreciate a pure and unadulterated smoking experience. As per the Altadis U.S.A website, Aging Rooms ethos is deeply ingrained in founder Rafael Nodals boundless passion for creativity and zest for life. Cigar Aficionado has bestowed the Aging Room Quattro Nicaragua blends with the prestigious title of Cigar of the Year, alongside a prominent ranking within the top 15: In 2019, it clinched the number one spot, earning the industrys highest accolade for the Maestro. In 2021, it secured the 14th place with the Concerto variant. Aging Room Quattro Nicaragua embodies a medium to full strength profile, boasting a 100% Nicaraguan composition for its core, wrapper, and binder. It offers a robust and flavorful experience, characterized by an abundance of earthy and zesty notes, complemented by the unmistakable spicy sweetness that is a hallmark of Nicaraguan cigars. Cigar Aficionado has described the Quattro Nicaragua Maestro cigars as a crowning achievement, making them a highly recommended choice for aficionados seeking exceptional quality and flavor.
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