Alec Bradley Prensado Fumas Medium Strength cigars made in Honduras. Long Fillers from Nicaragua, and Honduras. Trojes wrapper, and Jalapa binder. Smooth, but powerful, impressive smoke. Deep notes of pepper, and dark roasted coffee within the entire cigar. You may already recognize Alec Bradley as a leading brand in the market for high-quality, yet affordable, handmade cigars. Now, you can enjoy the same experience for a fraction of the cost with Alec Bradley Fumas! These cigars feature the same premium blend as their full-priced counterparts but may have minor imperfections that prevented them from passing the final inspection. Nevertheless, once you light up, youll quickly realize that these Fumas are the real deal. For years, cigar aficionados worldwide have sought out the Alec Bradley Prensado for its incredibly rich flavor profile. Since earning the #1 Cigar of the Year award with a remarkable 96-point rating in 2011, this cigar has maintained its reputation for excellence. The Prensado Fumas, which consist of a blend of Honduran and Nicaraguan fillers wrapped in a stunning Honduran leaf, deliver the same full-bodied flavors of spice, leather, and chocolate, followed by a long and satisfying finish, as the original. With each puff, you will find yourself eagerly anticipating the next one!
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