Alec Bradley Prensado Lost Art full-bodied distinctive cigars made in Honduras. Alec Bradley Cigars is known for producing highly-ranked cigars, such as their Prensado line which was awarded Cigar of the Year in 2011. The release of the Alec Bradley Prensado Lost Art cigars, with its distinctive and full-bodied blend, has been highly anticipated by cigar smokers. The Lost Art blend features long-fillers from Nicaragua and Honduras, a dual Nicaraguan and Honduran binder, and a dark and glossy Honduran Corojo wrapper. According to Alan Rubin, the president of Alec Bradley, the Lost Art cigars are a natural succession of the original Prensado line. Handcrafted in five popular box-pressed sizes, the Lost Art offers a complex and rich flavor profile that surpasses the original. Notes of earth, peppery spice, sweet wood, bittersweet chocolate, roasted coffee, and more, create a harmonious and flavorful smoke. If youre a fan of the original Prensado or enjoy full-bodied cigars with a well-rounded flavor profile, try the Alec Bradley Prensado Lost Art cigars on your next order.
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