Arganese Maduro cigars made in Nicaragua. Cigars made with aged blend of long fillers from Nicaragua, and oily, dark Broadleaf maduro wrapper. Medium bodied cigars with flavors of dark chocolate and coffee accompanies with natural sweetness at the end. Deep robust flavor, but not overpowering. The boldest blend from Arganese is the Maduro, which boasts a rich, textured appearance that beckons you to take a puff. Its smooth and refreshing burn is not only easy on the palate, but also easy on your budget. The Arganese Maduro is made using a carefully aged combination of Nicaraguan long-fillers and a dark, oily Broadleaf maduro wrapper that produces a medium-bodied smoke with flavors of coffee and dark chocolate. Its natural sweetness perfectly complements the finish, making it an absolute treat for your taste buds. In short, this cigar is absolutely delicious and comes at an affordable price.
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