Ashton Estate Sun Grown Full Strength cigars made in Dominican Republic. Ashton Estate Sun Grown ESG cigars are a premium line of cigars that showcase the expertise and dedication of the Arturo Fuente family. Made in small batches, these cigars are expertly crafted using only the finest tobacco leaves and the most meticulous blending techniques. The Ashton ESG cigars feature a specially-ed Dominican filler blend, which is carefully wrapped in a stunning Ecuadorian Sun Grown wrapper. This wrapper is grown in the highest regions of the Ecuadorian Andes, where the unique climate and soil conditions allow for a rich and flavorful tobacco leaf. What sets the Ashton ESG cigars apart is their aging process. After being rolled, these cigars are aged for an additional year, resulting in a depth of flavor and complexity that is unmatched in the cigar world. The aging process imbues the cigar with a rich and creamy profile, featuring notes of cedar, leather, and spice, with a smooth and satisfying finish.

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