Ashton Heritage Puro Sol cigars are a premium line of cigars that embody the Arturo Fuente familys passion for excellence in cigar-making. These cigars are expertly crafted using only the finest tobaccos from the Dominican Republic, offering a truly exceptional smoking experience. The Ashton Heritage Puro Sol cigars feature a Dominican filler blend that has been aged for a minimum of five years, wrapped in a rare, silky smooth, and flawless Dominican wrapper leaf. This wrapper is exclusively grown on the Fuente familys renowned Chateau de la Fuente farm, located in the Dominican Republic. What sets the Ashton Heritage Puro Sol cigars apart is their unique flavor profile. The aged Dominican tobaccos offer a rich and complex flavor, with notes of roasted nuts, coffee, and caramel, with a hint of spice. The flavor profile is perfectly balanced, making it an ideal choice for any cigar smoker who appreciates a medium-bodied cigar.
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