Ashton Virgin Sun Grown Full Strength cigars made in Dominican Republic. Ashton Virgin Sun Grown cigars are a premium line of cigars produced by the renowned cigar company, Ashton. The cigars are known for their exceptional quality and rich flavor, making them a favorite among cigar enthusiasts around the world.The Ashton Virgin Sun Grown cigars are made with a blend of Dominican tobaccos that have been aged for at least four to five years. The wrapper used in these cigars is made from high-grade Ecuadorian tobacco that has been carefully fermented and aged to achieve a rich, dark color and bold flavor.The sun-grown wrapper used in these cigars gives them a unique flavor profile that sets them apart from other cigars in the Ashton lineup. The wrapper has a slightly sweet taste with hints of spice and cedar, which combines perfectly with the rich, full-bodied flavor of the Dominican tobacco.
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