AVO Syncro Nicaragua Medium Strength cigars made in Dominican Republic. Avo Cigars ventures into new territory with the Avo Syncro Nicaragua series, a collection of all-box-pressed cigars bursting with Nicaraguan heat and Dominican elegance, culminating in a stunning, dark, and oily Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper. This exceptional blend features a distinctively sweet and spicy tobacco grown in the fertile soil beneath one of Nicaraguas most active volcanoes on the island of Ometepe, renowned for its wild character and peppery nuances. Meticulously blended with Peruvian Olancho and the finest San Vicente Mejorado and hybrid Olor/Piloto Dominican leaves, recognized for their earthy tones and creamy textures, Avo Cigars skilled craftsmanship elevates the Nicaraguan and Dominican flavors, resulting in a flawlessly smooth and balanced smoke imbued with remarkable depth, complexity, harmony, and taste.
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