Bahia Blu handmade medium bodied cigars made in Nicaragua. Corojo wrapper, six-year-old Nicaraguan long-fillers from Jalapa, Esteli, and Leon. Toasty notes with a cedary, sweet foundation and a crispy, enduring aftertaste. Bahia Blu is a Nicaraguan handmade cigar with a medium-bodied profile, and its priced affordably for daily indulgence. The cigar features a smooth, glossy Corojo wrapper that is quite appealing, and it is filled with 5 to 6-year-old Nicaraguan long-fillers sourced from Esteli, Jalapa, and Leon. As a result, the cigar delivers a rich and toasty flavor with a sweet and cedary core, which is then followed by a crisp and lingering aftertaste. Overall, Bahia Blu is a well-crafted cigar that offers a delightful smoking experience at an accessible price point.

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