Black and Mild cigars, first rolled in 1980 by the John Middleton Company, were born out of a blending experiment using pipe tobacco that originated from a small tobacco shop in Philadelphia. Since then, they have gained global recognition for their unique taste and aroma. Black and Mild cigars consist of pipe tobacco wrapped in a homogenized tobacco leaf, which serves as both binder and wrapper. They are fitted with a plastic or wood-tip for a genuine pipe smoking experience. These machine-made cigars are a great option for both new and experienced smokers, or even for pipe enthusiasts looking to enjoy the occasional cigar. With over 20 flavorful blends to choose from, Black and Mild cigars offer something for every smokers taste preference. Our best-selling flavor is Black & Mild Original, which is bold and satisfying. These budget-friendly cigars come in packs of 50, making them an affordable option for smokers at any level. In conclusion, Black and Mild cigars are a classic option with a distinct 150-year history that should be tried by anyone looking for an enjoyable smoking experience.

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