Brioso Maduro premium cigars made in Nicaragua. Produced by General Cigar Company- maker of CAO, Cohiba, Macanudo and many more. Oily and dark Mauro wrapper covering an exquisite choice of Dominican ligero and seco tobaccos. This is a Medium bodied cigar with hints of black pepper, brown sugar and cocoa. Looking for a delicious bundle of premium cigars that will not break the bank? Look no further than Brioso Maduro, a product of General Cigar Company. General Cigar Company is responsible for producing several well-known brands such as Macanudo, Cohiba, and CAO. Brioso is their latest offering, and it does not disappoint. Featuring a dark and oily maduro wrapper that covers a blend of Dominican tobaccos, this medium-bodied cigar delivers a flavor profile that is sure to impress. Notes of cocoa and brown sugar are present, providing a satisfying and well-rounded smoking experience. Do not miss out on this great deal from General Cigar Company.

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