Camacho Nicaragua cigars are untamable and boast a full-frontal flavor with the volume cranked and the pedal grinding against steel. While the blend features tobaccos from four countries, Nicaraguan tobacco forms the core of the blend, which is what Camacho cigars are known for. The cigar has a plush, undisclosed wrapper from Ecuador, a Honduran binder, and a mix of hearty Nicaraguan, Honduran, and Dominican fillers that add depth and character to the blend. Head of Marketing for Davidoff Americas, Lana Fraser, said that Camacho Nicaragua is designed for cigar smokers who desire a distinct Nicaraguan flavor. The series was created to expand the Camacho Core portfolio and appeal to a wider range of consumers. The cigar offers a balanced and remarkably flavorful experience with a chewy, spicy mix of earthy-oaky flavors complemented by pepper notes in the retrohale and a subtle sweetness. Fans of Camacho and those who crave Nicaraguan spice will undoubtedly seek out this cigar.
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