CAO Bones full-bodied cigars made in Nicaragua. CAO Bones draws its name from the popular game of dominoes, also known as bones. According to CAOs blender and brand ambassador, Rick Rodriguez, Bones is all about gathering with your buddies over a cold beer, playing dominoes, smoking cigars, grilling, bantering, and just having a good time. This full-bodied cigar boasts a four-year-aged Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper, a Connecticut Shade binder, and an assortment of top-quality long filler tobaccos from Honduras and Nicaragua, resulting in a flavor-packed smoke. The cigars profile features pronounced hints of coffee, spices, and peppers that culminate in a creamy finish that will leave you reaching for tweezers to savor every last puff. As a bonus, each box of Bones comes with two standard dice and a felt-lined lid for rolling them, making it the perfect addition to your next game night.

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