Captain Black Medium Strength little filtered cigars made in USA. Captain Black Little Filtered Cigars are a popular choice among cigar enthusiasts who prefer a quick and flavorful smoke. These cigars are made with high-quality tobaccos that are expertly blended and crafted to create a smooth, mild to medium-bodied smoking experience. Each cigar is crafted with a natural tobacco wrapper and a specially designed filter that helps to reduce the amount of tar and nicotine that is inhaled while smoking. This filter also ensures a smoother draw and a more consistent burn, making for an enjoyable and satisfying smoking experience. Captain Black Little Filtered Cigars come in a variety of flavors, including Original, Sweet, Cherry, and Vanilla. The Original flavor offers a classic, smooth tobacco taste, while the Sweet flavor is infused with a hint of sweetness that perfectly balances the tobacco flavor. The Cherry flavor adds a burst of fruity sweetness, and the Vanilla flavor is creamy and smooth, with a subtle hint of vanilla flavor.
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