Arlos Torano is renowned for consistently producing some of the most delectable cigars in the industry. They diligently apply their expertise to ensure exceptional quality, and their Exodus 1959 blend stands out as a true masterpiece. Take a moment to admire this cigar its wrapper is captivating, embracing the filler blend like a flowing river of dark chocolate – a truly stunning sight. Once ignited, a delightful burst of creamy, subtly spicy flavors greets your palate, followed by delightful hints of chocolate. This medium to full-bodied cigar features an exquisite Habana 2000 wrapper, expertly paired with a complex blend of tobaccos from five different countries: Dominican Republic, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica. The Exodus Gold 1959 has garnered numerous accolades, including being recognized in the Top 25 and receiving several 90+ ratings. With a well-deserved score of 92 points, it is praised for its remarkable texture, showcased beautifully in its dark, box-pressed appearance. Woody and toasty notes intertwine harmoniously, complemented by a solid essence of black cherry and subtle hints of cedar. Its richness, balance, and elegance truly make it a cigar worth savoring.

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