Casa Magna Full Strength cigars made in Nicaragua. Manuel Quesada and Nestor Plascencia, two esteemed manufacturers in the cigar industry, collaborated to create Casa Magna Colorado. This moderately priced Nicaraguan Puro boasts a full-bodied flavor, thanks to the combination of Ligero and Viso fillers sourced from various regions in Nicaragua, as well as a visually appealing Cuban-seed Ligero Colorado wrapper. The Casa Magna is skillfully hand-rolled in Plascencias Nicaraguan Factory, resulting in a smooth, rich cigar with delightful notes of coffee and sweet spices. This slow-burner is not only well-crafted but also reasonably priced. In 2008, Cigar Aficionado gave Casa Magna the top rating of 93 points, crowning it as the best cigar of the year. To this day, it remains a popular choice and earned a respectable tenth place in the magazines 2011 rankings.
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