Cohiba Blue cigars made in Dominican Republic. In 2017, Cohiba Blue cigars were introduced, offering a luxurious smoking experience at an affordable price. The tobaccos used in these cigars are carefully ed and handcrafted by skilled rollers. The blend features a medium-bodied mix of Honduran Jamastran, Nicaraguan Ometepe, and Dominican Piloto Cubano long-fillers, along with an Honduran Olancho San Agustin OSA binder. The cigars are seamlessly wrapped in a silky, Honduran Olancho San Agustin Rosado-hued wrapper. When smoking Cohiba Blue cigars, youll enjoy a rich and complex flavor profile thats velvety-smooth. The cigars have subtle earthy notes, with hints of sweet spice, cocoa, caramel, and a seductively sweet aroma. If youre already a fan of Cohiba cigars, or if youre searching for a luxurious cigar that can be enjoyed anytime, Cohiba Blue is a great choice to add to your prized collection.

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