Introducing Cohiba Riviera cigars, a brand that embraces several exciting firsts. Experience the extraordinary with these medium-bodied cigars that showcase the distinctive characteristics of the San Andres Valley in Mexico. Lets delve into the three remarkable aspects that make Cohiba Riviera truly exceptional. First, indulge in the richness of a dark and lustrous Mexican San Andres Maduro wrapper. Cultivated in the fertile volcanic soil of the San Andres Valley, this wrapper imparts a captivating shimmer and sets the stage for a truly memorable smoking experience. Second, the fillers in Cohiba Riviera cigars are meticulously crafted, featuring a Nicaraguan Condega filler leaf. In fact, the blend incorporates tobacco leaves sourced from six different growing regions, resulting in a complex and harmonious flavor profile that is sure to impress even the most discerning aficionados. And finally, Cohiba Riviera takes a departure from the traditional round shape and presents a box-pressed format. This shape not only adds a touch of sophistication to the cigars but also enhances the smoking experience by providing a comfortable and even draw. Luxury is woven into every aspect of Cohiba Riviera cigars, from their rich flavors to their velvety smoothness and perfect balance. If you have a penchant for the indulgence of San Andres Maduro wrapper, this ion is tailor-made for you. Dont miss the opportunity to add the Cohiba Riviera shape that suits your preferences to your cart and embark on a truly unforgettable smoking journey.
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