Ernesto Perez-Carrillo, renowned for his innovative contributions to the cigar industry, may not have been the first to introduce big-ring cigars, but he undoubtedly pioneered the regular production of the 6 x 60 size with the legendary La Gloria Cubana Serie R. Today, he focuses on boutique creations, overseeing the E.P. Carrillo Cigar Company in the Dominican Republic alongside his children. Building upon Ernestos fondness for larger ring gauge cigars, the INCH series delivers an array of beefy sizes, all measuring 60 ring gauge or above. In the case of the INCH Maduro, they have expertly crafted a blend that combines the finest Dominican and Nicaraguan tobaccos, skillfully enveloped in a bold Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper. Prepare your palate for a full-bodied experience that unveils delightful notes of cocoa, sweet wood, and coffee, harmoniously intertwined with zesty peppers and spices. Who better to satisfy your cravings for a heavyweight cigar than the godfather of 60-ring gauges himself? Indulge in the INCH Maduro and let Ernesto Perez-Carrillos expertise take you on a remarkable journey.
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