El Centurion Full Strength cigars made in Nicaragua by Don Pepin Garcia. The Garcia Family, known for their exceptional cigar-making skills, has brought forth yet another remarkable premium ion with El Centurion cigars. Originally introduced as limited edition cigars in 2013, these cigars have now become a regular production ion. The blend is a careful combination of diverse Nicaraguan-grown tobaccos including Criollo, Corojo Habano, and Sancti Spiritus, which are wrapped in Nicaraguan Criollo 98 wrappers. El Centurion offers a medium to full-bodied flavor profile that is rich and complex, boasting notes of coffee, cedar nuts, caramel, and cocoa, with a hint of white pepper on the finish. If youre a fan of Pepins creations, then El Centurion is a must-try cigar.
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