Gurkha Sherpa Black cigars made in Nicaragua. A medium bodied Maduro cigar filled with Dominican, Honduran, and Nicaraguan long-filler tobacco. Smooth Connecticut binder, dark Maduro wrapper. Hints of spices and pleasant notes of dark chocolate. Gurkha fearlessly ventures where other brands dare not, delivering cigars that are both bold and distinctive, and pushing our taste buds into unexplored realms. The Sherpa Maduro, their newest addition to an already impressive collection, is destined to become an instant classic with its affordable price that will entice the masses. Crafted with a robust, medium to full-bodied blend of long-fillers from three different countries, wrapped in a smooth Connecticut binder, this powerful gem is then finished with a dark maduro wrapper, offering rich notes of dark chocolate with hints of spice. Its visually stunning appearance is matched only by its exquisite flavor, making the Sherpa Maduro a must-have addition to any humidor, as youll soon find yourself reaching for it time and time again.

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