Gurkha Sherpa Orange cigars made in Nicaragua. Gurkha has truly outdone themselves with Sherpa, a meticulously crafted cigar that tantalizes the senses. Hailing from Esteli, Nicaragua, Sherpa features a vintage blend of Cuban-seed long-leaf tobaccos sourced from two of Central Americas most prized growing regions: Esteli and the Cibao Valley in the Dominican Republic. This lush mixture is then wrapped in a dark Habano wrapper grown in Nicaragua. The result is a visually pleasing and oily cigar that provides a medium-bodied experience full of richness and heartiness, yet remains smooth from start to finish. The flavor profile boasts delightful notes of leather, earth, and black espresso, while the aroma is robust and toasty, with a subtle charcoal influence. Indulge in Sherpa, a well-balanced and complex cigar that offers an exceptional value for its price.
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