H. Upmanns 1844 Anejo line continues the brands Cuban tradition by offering a new, richly flavored addition to their collection. The name Anejo reflects the blends mature nature, as the tobaccos have been aged for a minimum of five years before arriving at the Flor de Copan factory for rolling. The blend includes a twice-fermented Ecuador Habano wrapper and a robust Broadleaf binder, which together cradle a skillfully crafted mix of fillers from Honduras, the Dominican Republic, and Nicaragua. The resulting flavor profile is nothing short of spectacular, with a harmonious blend of sweet spices, cocoa, leather, and earth on the palate. This cigar appeals to both seasoned smokers, who will appreciate the wide range of flavors, and novice smokers, who will enjoy its smoothness. Additionally, the Famous price makes it an excellent value. Treat yourself by adding a box to your cart today!
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