Macanudo cigars Cru Royale Blend, hailed as one of the top brands in the cigar industry, offers a medium-bodied, full-flavored smoking experience. Originally crafted with the guidance of the legendary Master Blender Benji Menendez, this ion boasts a core of Nicaraguan and Dominican Viso long filler combined with Brazilian Mata Fina. To complement the blend, a proprietary Dominican La Vega Especiale binder is rolled into an impeccably perfect dark brown Ecuadorian Habano seed wrapper. The reviews of the flavor-packed Cru Royale by Macanudo are outstanding! This cigar has received 90+ rating reviews by top-rated cigar review platforms, earning a well-deserved spot among the Top Cigars of the Year in 2012. When smoking this cigar, expect a well-balanced and aromatic experience, bursting with rich and complex flavors that leave a savory finish. Order your box now to enjoy this exceptional smoking experience.
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