In 2017, Macanudo released the Inspirado White Series, representing a significant milestone in the brands creative evolution. While Macanudo Cafe remains a go-to mild cigar for new smokers, the brand has expanded its offerings with a variety of more complex cigars. According to General Cigar, Macanudos loyal fans should prepare to be wowed once again with the Inspirado White blend. Breaking from tradition, Macanudo White features a blend of Nicaraguan Condega and Mexican San Andres long-filler leaves, each aged for four years to provide sweetness and strength, with an additional two-year-aged Nicaraguan Jalapa leaf adding earthy-spicy depth. The cigar is finished with an Indonesian binder for a delightful aroma and a proprietary Ecuadoran Connecticut wrapper aged six years to a lustrous, buttery gold hue. The result is a visually striking cigar that offers a perfectly balanced, engaging palate experience. Master blender Jhonys Diaz describes it as the most creamy and alluring cigar, with amplified complexity, thanks to the refined and perfectly aged tobaccos used in the blend.

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