Montecristo Nicaragua Full-Bodied cigars made in Nicaragua. The addition of the Nicaraguan cigar brand to the historic stable represents the fifth core line extension. It is also the first core line cigar made by a third party, specifically AJ Fernandez, who has created some of his best work with this line. The blend, conceived by Fernandez and Rafael Nodal, features an all-Nicaraguan leaf blend meticulously crafted in four wide ring shapes and wrapped in an attractive, silky, copper-hued wrapper. The cigars are easily distinguished by a secondary band indicating the Nicaragua Series. This smoke delivers plenty of depth and is bursting with bold flavors of earthiness, sweet spice, charred cedar, and black pepper, all perfectly balanced from start to finish. Cigar enthusiasts who crave rich Nicaraguan tobacco will find this ion to be exceptional. The Montecristo Nicaragua Series is ideal for relaxing after dinner with a fine Bourbon, single malt, or rum, providing a highly-refined experience that even the most seasoned aficionados will treasure.

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