The Montecristo Platinum Series is a luxury cigar that was created to establish a new standard for handmade cigars. Altadis has continued the classic Montecristo names iconic status with the Montecristo Platinum series, which is synonymous with premium handmade cigars. Handcrafted with a seamless Mexican San Andres Cubano wrapper, Montecristo Platinum offers a full-flavor, full-bodied cigar with a bold blend of vintage Dominican, Nicaraguan, and Peruvian tobaccos that tantalize the taste buds. Its medium-full profile provides a perfect balance of flavor, with notes of cedar, oak, and roasted espresso. Cigar Aficionado awarded the Montecristo Platinum Churchill cigar a high rating of 91, describing it as hearty and meaty. The Montecristo Platinum series is the epitome of luxury cigars and is a must-have addition to any cigar smokers humidor!
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