Odyssey Full, full-bodied cigars made in Nicaragua. The blend is packed with prime Cuban seed Ligero tobaccos from Honduras and Nicaragua and topped with a zesty wrapper from Nicaragua. It offers slightly sweeter flavors, with an emphasis on nuts, black pepper, coffee, and earth. The Odyssey Full cigar boasts an impressive combination of long filler tobaccos hailing from Nicaragua and Columbia, complemented by a Nicaraguan Habano binder and finished off with a visually stunning deep brown Nicaraguan Jalapa wrapper. This robust cigar promises to deliver a flavor-packed experience with notes of black pepper, leather, wood, cocoa, and caramel that are expertly balanced throughout the smoking session. Moreover, the Odyssey Full is an excellent choice for cigar enthusiasts looking for a satisfying smoke that not only tastes great but also burns evenly and doesnt break the bank.

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