Odyssey Maduro cigars made in Nicaragua. A medium bodied full of flavor cigar with pleasant spicy sweet notes. Odyssey, a premium bundled cigar offering, is now expanding their line with a rich and toasty Maduro. Made by the same company that produces Macanudo and La Gloria Cubana, this cigar is perfect for those who value flavor over presentation. Featuring a Nicaraguan Habano Maduro wrapper leaf thats deeper and darker in color, as well as Honduran and Nicaraguan ligeros, Odyssey Maduro offers a delicious blend of spicy and sweet notes. This medium-bodied cigar delivers just the right amount of pepper and pop to keep things interesting, while its naturally sweet, aged Nicaraguan tobaccos provide a cool and mellow core. Whether youre a seasoned smoker or a novice, this all-day sipper is perfect for any occasion.

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