Partagas Heritage Medium Strength cigars made in Dominican Republic. The Heritage collection by Partagas exudes a charming Cuban essence that is easily recognized in the renowned Cuban Partagas Serie D cigars. A decade ago, Master Blender Jhonys Diaz and his team meticulously crafted the blend and patiently saved it for a special release. The blend pays tribute to the brands legacy while incorporating flavor nuances from some of its most popular releases. The blend features a mid-priming, reddish Honduran estate-grown wrapper leaf, exclusively developed by Diaz and the Plasencia family for the Heritage collection. This leaf is reminiscent of the wrapper used on the Partagas Spanish Rosado and is grown in the fertile volcanic soil of the Olancho San Agustin Valley. The binder is a naturally sweet Connecticut Broadleaf that harmoniously balances a mix of Honduran Jamastran leaves, Dominican Piloto Cubano, and Mexican San Andres tobaccos used in the Partagas 160. The result is a complex and indulgent flavor profile that transcends any preconceived notions about comparisons to Cuban Partagas cigars. The wrapper contributes a layer of complexity and sweetness, while the blend offers notes of earthy spice, sweet cedar, and subtle hints of cinnamon.

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