PDR El Criollito Medium Strength cigars made in Dominican Republic. The revamped recipe of the El Criollito blend by Pinar Del Rio highlights the significance of Dominican tobacco in this cigar. Abe Flores, the brand owner of PDR, holds a deep appreciation for the Dominican Republic and its role in the cigar industry. This admiration motivated him to retain the Ecuador Criollo 98 wrapper and Mexican San Andres binder while incorporating additional entubado-rolled Dominican Criollo 98 and a touch of Mexican San Andres. The outcome is a moderately priced cigar with a medium-body that offers a semi-spicy blend of nuts, coffee beans, sweet cedar, white pepper, and more in every puff. This Dominican gem is perfect for any time of day, so add a box of Criollito to your cart and experience it for yourself.
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