Following the success of their highly acclaimed 10th Anniversary Champagne Connecticut cigars, Perdomo is once again pushing the limits with their new ion of Perdomo Reserve 10th Anniversary Sun Grown cigars. These cigars are crafted using a blend of all Nicaraguan Cuban seed tobaccos that have been aged for six years. They are box-pressed and feature a sun-grown wrapper that has been aged for ten months in bourbon barrels. The end result is a medium-bodied cigar that boasts Perdomos signature creamy smoothness, a rich earthy-woody character, and a naturally sweet and spicy flavor. According to Nick Perdomo Jr., We wanted to create something truly special to pay tribute to the over 20-year history of the Perdomo Reserve brand by offering a cigar that would be loved by every cigar smoker. The tobacco used in these cigars was carefully chosen from Perdomos most prestigious farms in Esteli, Condega, and the renowned Jalapa Valley in Nicaragua. The cigars were blended to be rich in flavor and smooth on the palate, with subtle hints of sweetness. True to the Perdomo tradition, the Perdomo Reserve 10th Anniversary Sun Grown cigars are reasonably priced, available in six popular sizes, and come in boxes of 25 cigars or 5-packs. They are a must-have for every Perdomo fan and make an excellent complement to Perdomos outstanding 20th Anniversary Sun Grown ion. Dont hesitate to add a box to your cart today!

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