Perdomo Slow-Aged Lot 826 cigars made in Nicaragua. Slow-Aged 826 contains a blend of all Nicaraguan tobaccos coming from four different regions of Nicaragua. Delightfully smooth, complex, and robust cigar. Last year, Tabacalera Perdomo introduced a plethora of new brands, including the impressive Perdomo Reserve series, from Esteli, Nicaragua. However, the Slow-Aged cigars stand out as the cream of the crop. This cigar fits my preference perfectly as it boasts exceptional quality tobaccos, excessive aging, and superior flavor, all at an unbeatable price. The Connecticut wrapper is velvety and oily, enveloping four different Nicaraguan long-leaf tobaccos, including a top-notch ligero leaf that intensifies the flavor profile slightly. The intricate blend results in a deliciously smooth, robust, and lively taste with hints of creaminess and coffee. The price tops off this outstanding experience.

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