Punch Diablo Full Strength cigars made in Nicaragua. Discover the sinister side of Punch through the Diablo cigar. This is Punchs darkest and most robust cigar yet, crafted by the exceptional A.J. Fernandez at his factory in Esteli, Nicaragua. As the first Punch cigar produced outside of Honduras since the 1960s, Diablo is a devilishly delectable premium cigar that showcases the pure and sophisticated flavors of Nicaragua. In keeping with its wicked theme, Diablo boasts a luxuriously indulgent blend of Nicaraguan and Honduran ligero aged for four years, a jet-black Connecticut Broadleaf binder aged for six years, and an Ecuadoran Sumatra Oscuro wrapper that has been extra-fermented for a stronger impact. This infernal cigar is characterized by notes of rich earth, woods, pepper, leather, and dark roasted coffee. Experience the dark side of Punch today by placing your order now!

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