Room101 Ichiban Habano cigars made in Dominican Republic. Room101 has a devoted following as a high-end brand. Celebrity endorsements from Guy Fieri and Snoop Dogg only add to their allure. This brand produces top-quality items for those living in luxury, and their cigars are certainly no exception. The new Ichiban line makes it even simpler and more cost-effective to flaunt your sense of style. The blend of tobacco used as filler is particularly impressive, featuring a combination of five-year-old tobacco from three distinct regions of Nicaragua. It sits beneath an incredibly attractive Habano wrapper, giving rise to flavors of cedar, toast, and cream. Gift one of these exquisite cigars to someone, and youre sure to receive compliments. Buying a bundle of the Room101 Ichiban Habano is a great value and might even become a regular part of your smoking routine.
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