The Sancho Panza Extra Fuerte cigars elevate the already rich and savory flavor of Sancho Panza cigars to a whole new level of full-bodied intensity. To achieve this, General Cigars enlisted the help of Matt Booth and Justin Andrews to revamp the Sancho Panza Extra Fuerte blend, which is now produced at the HATSA factory in Honduras. The blend is composed of fillers and binder from the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, and the United States, which are meticulously wrapped in a sun-grown Maduro Ecuadorian Sumatra wrapper. With these cigars, you can savor a smooth, hearty, and earthy smoke without the usual harshness associated with full-bodied cigars. If youre already a fan of Sancho Panza cigars, youll appreciate the added depth and complexity of the Extra Fuerte blend.
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