Schizo cigars are made from all Nicaraguan tobaccos, mild to medium with a clean taste. Very good consistence, aroma, flavor and burn. A mild cigar made in Nicaragua. Christian Eiroa, the creator of the well-known Camacho brand, has introduced a brand new release called Schizo. As part of his new product line roll-out, he has created this delightful cigar that is not only tasty but also performs remarkably well, all at an affordable price point. Schizo is a Cuban-sandwich style cigar made from the remnants of Eiroas new line, Asylum. However, this is hardly noticeable as each Schizo delivers a range of mellow flavors. With a mellow to medium body, the Schizo contains notes of leather, natural sweetness, cream, gentle spices, and a hint of cocoa. It is highly enjoyable and can be smoked all day long, being a Nicaraguan puro.
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