The Jacobs Ladder cigars made their debut in 2017, adhering to Southern Draws tradition of collaborating with A.J. Fernandez for blending. These cigars feature a luscious Pennsylvania Broadleaf maduro wrapper that enwraps a core of Nicaraguan long-fillers, including the potent Esteli Ligero, all bound together by an Ecuadorian binder leaf. Produced in limited quantities, Jacobs Ladder follows Southern Draws theme of naming their flagship cigars after flowering plants. Now, when it comes to flavor, how does Jacobs Ladder measure up? If your palate savors deeply rich, intricate cigars with a robust, full-bodied Nicaraguan profile, this ion is tailor-made for your preferences. Its expertly crafted box-pressed construction ensures an effortless draw and a consistently even burn, delivering a seamless smoking experience.
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