Swisher International Group, Americas largest cigar exporter, proudly crafts Swisher Sweets cigars and cigarillos in Jacksonville, Florida. These cigars are among the best-selling brands in the cigar business due to their smooth and mild tobacco blend. They come in various flavors that add a sweet or savory finish to the smoke, making them perfect for those who seek a flavorful smoking experience. Some popular flavors include grape, cherry, chocolate, mint, menthol, natural, blueberry, and green sweet. In addition to sweet-flavored cigars, Swisher Sweets also offers regular, toasted wood-flavored cigars, mini-cigarillos, wood-tipped cigars, slims, snuff, smokeless cigars, and e-cigarettes. The flavor profile is mild, providing a highly enjoyable smoking experience that delicately stimulates the senses. If youre new to cigars, smoking Swisher Sweets cigarillos is easy and enjoyable. These small cigars come in packs of five and do not require a cigar cutter like premium and large cigars. Simply choose your preferred flavor and remove it from the package. The slightly tapered end, or head, is the end you puff on, while the straight end the foot is the end you light. To savor the smoke and flavor, its best not to inhale, but rather let it rest on your palate. Exhale and repeat about once per minute to enjoy the maximum cigar experience.
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