Zino Nicaragua Medium in body cigars made in Nicaragua. Experience life to the fullest, from A to Z! That is the driving force behind the captivating Zino Nicaragua cigar collection. The vibrant yellow bands catch the eye, and the blend is tailored to cigar enthusiasts who crave a sweet and spicy flavor profile with earthy undertones. To top it off, the entire range is offered at an attractive price point. Zino Nicaragua is a medium-bodied smoke that begins with a plush Connecticut shade wrapper from Ecuador, which covers a Nicaraguan Semilla 56 Seco and a long-filler combination of Honduran Jamastran, Olancho, Nicaraguan Ometepe, and San Vicente from the Dominican Republic. The result is a luxurious, creamy smoke with initial notes of pepper, cedar, and coffee, followed by leather, cream, and salted nuts, and ending with hints of light coffee, sweet spices, and chocolate. If that doesnt make your mouth water… This ion draws inspiration from diverse cultures and ways of life, single-handedly reimagining the renowned Zino brand and establishing Zino Nicaragua as a must-try for cigar aficionados of all levels.

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